Pitch blog

 After carefully considering two potential short film ideas, Our group decided to pursue a gritty urban thriller centered around a detective investigating a string of mysterious disappearances tied to a dangerous criminal syndicate. This film would focus on creating a tense, fast-paced atmosphere, exploring themes of redemption and justice while revealing the detective's internal struggle with his past. The second idea, a coming-of-age drama, would follow a group of high school seniors as they navigate personal struggles and forge unexpected friendships while preparing for their graduation day. This heartwarming film would focus on themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the power of connection, with moments of humor and deep emotional growth. While the coming-of-age story offers universal themes that could be deeply relatable, we found the thriller concept more intriguing as it allows for heightened suspense, complex character arcs, and a more intense emotional payoff. The thriller's ability to keep the audience on the edge of their seat and to delve into moral dilemmas is what ultimately drew me in. Although the coming-of-age drama has potential, we feel more passionate about the suspense and complexity the detective story could offer. The decision to go with the urban thriller allows me to create a unique, intense short film that keeps the audience engaged and challenges me creatively as a filmmaker.


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