Second time filming.
As we continued filming we were getting more chemistry as a group. We were not messing up as much as before. My group and I completed our first day of filming. The location we filmed at was Holiday Park. This was the perfect location for most of our scenes. This is because of its safe environment, easy access, and sports fields. We used our iPhones to film. Use our iPhones came with many benefits. Whenever one of our phones got low on battery we were able to switch to another. Also it is very easy to transfer videos between devices. Knowing all the different angles used in filming has been very helpful. My favorite shot is the POV shot. It puts the camera in the POV of the character. This can give details that wouldn't have been relieved otherwise. We had a couple obstacles while filming. At first the fields we planned to use were occupied. We had to wait until the fields were not in use in order to film some of our scenes. Also we had trouble getting steady shots. Most of the time due to fatigue from the sun our hands were shaky. Thus making the film unsteady. We solved this problem by taking a break for food and water to replenish our energy. Most shots took about 3 times to get right. But in the end we were able to get most of our scenes done. Well that's all for today.
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